Monday, July 29, 2024

Adding a modal to my portfolio page

As a note, at the time of this blog post, my portfolio site is at this URL: I plan to update it in the future with a custom domain, but I just need to buy it first. Also, in the future this site will probably change as I update it. So any pictures below may be outdated by the time you read this.

In the Codecademy career path for Full Stack Developer, one of the projects early on is to create a simple portfolio webpage that highlights your projects, and potentially includes a biography, picture, ways to connect on social media, and links to a blog (like this one). I've skipped some of the earlier Codecademy projects, since I've done similar things in the past, but this one was interesting and it was on my to-do list.

I mainly wrote it in HTML and CSS and did it in a night. I didn't wireframe it, but I did use Codecademy's sample site as a detailed wireframe of sorts. Here's how it looks:


It's pretty basic. I need to get rid of the underline for the Blog link, but other than that it's nice. When you hover over the links, there is a CSS animation rule that causes them to expand a bit - to add some fun little interactivity there.

One of the requirements though was to implement some JavaScript. For a site like this though, there isn't a lot of places to add it in a way that adds value to the page. Then it hit me - why not create a modal that appears when you click "Contact" that includes links to my social media page? That was a great idea! At my job, I've created a few modals already, but that uses low-code methods that are unique to Pega. How would I do it with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?

Thank goodness for the internet. A quick search led me to this very useful guide from W3 Schools:

As you can probably tell, it's dated. The JavaScript uses var keywords and uses the .onclick method, both of which are older ways of declaring variables and adding event listeners. And the HTML isn't semantic - there is no <dialog> tag anywhere. As a note, I also didn't add a <dialog> tag in my HTML, but it's on my to-do list soon to get that updated.

The first thing I did was insert the HTML code. I updated some of the class and ID names to make it more related to my page. I added it around the top of the page, but due to the CSS rules hiding it, you won't see it by default.

I then went over to the CSS rules and added those in, making sure to update the rules to share the same names as my HTML classes and IDs. The CSS rules are great, but because the modal is hidden by default (and before the JavaScript is added, there is nothing to un-hide it), you won't be able to see it. Even if you click on the 'Contact' link at the top, no modal will appear. It's a ghost modal for now!

Lastly I added the JavaScript. Here is where I made the most changes:

  • I updated all the variable declarations to use const
  • I added my IDs and class names to the DOM calls
  • I changed the .onclick methods to .addEventListener() methods instead, and used callback functions to cause the modal to appear and close
  • I omitted the function to cause the modal to close if the user clicked anywhere outside the modal, as I didn't want that one (also, replacing it with the addEventListener() method doesn't work on it's own, which I'll need to figure out).

After testing it, I adjusted the size to make it smaller than 80% of the screen width, and I added some padding to make it longer after my social media icons were added. Below is how it looks:

The X will close out the modal, and the screen darkens a little to emphasize the modal. And each of these social media icons will link to my pages, so you can easily connect.

I'm pretty happy with this, and I will be using this project to build on future projects that require more complex modals. These are great for forms too - and next time, instead of an X, I can add a Cancel or Close button instead.